Renaissance Ruminations

A smorgasbord of erratic thoughts on parenting, politics, grilling, marriage, public speaking, and all the other things that make life interesting.

Location: Burke, VA, Northern Virginia, United States

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Future Scramble in VA11

This morning's Washington Post offers a lengthy Virginia Notebook piece on a future congressional candidacy by Gerry Connolly, and notes this could come as soon as 2008, especially if Tom Davis chooses to run for the US Senate.

The WaPo goes on to hypothesize on potential match-ups of Connolly v. Leslie Byrne for the Democratic nomination and Tim Hugo v. Jay O'Brien for the GOP nomination.

Interesting and required reading for NoVa politicos...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Bwana, my brother by another Mother, fortunately or unfortunately, the WaPo maybe right on target, knowing all of the players mentioned who will be participating in that game, those are the most likely of all. They did however, fail to mentioned that our friend Mr. Davis may not have a free ride to the Nomination, but he will probably get the blessing of our Senior Statesman Senator, and how that blessing will play out among the rank and file GOP faithful, is anyone's guess. To me, Tom is the perfect replacement if and when Sen Warner leaves office. Who should replace Tom, well, let's just say that as of today, none of the four people mentioned have shown me that they are up to the task. That is all I have to say today!

Friday, October 06, 2006 2:06:00 PM  

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