Renaissance Ruminations

A smorgasbord of erratic thoughts on parenting, politics, grilling, marriage, public speaking, and all the other things that make life interesting.

Location: Burke, VA, Northern Virginia, United States

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I step away for a few days...

...and the world goes barmy!

I will not go into details on links and such, as this is more summary of known events than analysis of the new. Nonetheless, I take four days away to take care of kids birthday parties and pressing family bidness, and look what happens...

a) George Allen poll numbers tank, and the Allen campaign starts to pray for rain on election day.

b) Network television starts in the 10th. Judy Feder, who has been going negative since July, complains that Congressman Frank Wolf's television advertisements are negative-and then puts up her own attack ads that do not accurately source the claims in her commercial.

c) A Michael Moore wannabe jumps in Senator Allen's face, and gets removed. Depending on your point of view, this is either police state extremism (D) OR proof of democratic anger and insanity (R) OR evidence that all bloggers are crazy at heart (SWMBO) OR evidence that some people are so determined to get attention they will act in the most bizarre fashion possible so they can have their fifteen minutes of fame ( Reality TV view of the world).

d) Just when you thought the world was safe from John Kerry's oratorical malaprops, he cooks up another one. I am glad Senator Kerry is kept gainfully employed by the voters of Massachusetts, as he clearly would starve on the comedy circuit.

e) And lets not forget fisticuffs on the set of Greys Anatomy, which apparently leads to an actor on the show coming out of the closet.



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